
AI Craze: Sora and WLD Frenzy


The hottest topic in the market these two days is the AI ​​track.In particular, sora and wld are even more crazy. Today, many friends are asking in the background whether they want to increase their positions? Seeing that this track is popular, adding positions as the market rises has never been Shisan’s investment style​.Even if this product is doubled later, I will not regret it.After so many years in the cryptocurrency industry, a very important lesson has been learned: Don’t chase highs.Especially for the currency WLD, frankly speaking, the risk of this project is quite high, because it requires scanning the iris and collecting biological data of the human body, which poses a huge privacy and security risk.Hong Kong also took action to expel him some time ago, based on this consideration.All major social groups are advocating that this coin will reach 8 yuan or even 10 yuan. Retail investors are clamoring to catch up and get on the bus. In fact, these leeks are quite pitiful.Rational analysis should wait for the correction, but the greed in his heart told him that if he didn't buy it, he would not be able to catch up.Then he was roped to the top of the mountain.This coin will have a strong demand for a correction, and this madness is unsustainable​.Many people have found many reasons for their continued craziness, such as ChatGPT, NVIDIA, etc. Although these have good effects, they are not the main reasons for their craziness.

热点: AI WLD







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