
2023 年 12 月您不应该购买的 3 种山寨币


2023 年 12 月不应购买的 3 种山寨币

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埃里温 (CoinChapter.com)——最近比特币 (BTC) 价格的飙升在更广泛的加密货币市场中引起了共鸣。随着领先的加密货币反弹至 45,000 美元左右,几种山寨币也表现出了惊人的反弹。其中,BitTorrent (BTT)、Avalanche (AVAX) 和 Beam Network (BEAM) 脱颖而出。然而,在投资者急于抓住投资它们的机会之前,请先了解一下为什么它们在今年 12 月不适合购买。

BitTorrent (BTT) 正乘着山寨币浪潮

BitTorrent 是 12 月份表现最好的山寨币之一。仅过去一个月,BTT 价格就上涨了 200% 以上,达到约 0.00000160 美元的价格。




TRON 网络的增长对 BTT 价格产生了积极的影响。 12月初,TRON账户数量突破2亿。这一成果极大地影响了BTT的性价比。 BTT的交易量也出现了大幅增长。


孙宇晨关于波场用户达到 2 亿的推文。来源:X

对于外行来说,BTT 是在 Tron 网络上发行的 TRC-20 代币。孙宇晨领导的公司于 2018 年收购了 BitTorrent。因此,该链最近的成功也影响了 BTT 价格。


BitTorrent 出现超卖反弹?

近期BTT代币价格的飙升也被专家视为其回归真实评价。自 2022 年 1 月起,该代币被视为超卖。其每周相对强弱指数 (RSI) 表明了这一点,该指数的读数低于 30。

当这种情况发生时,交易者将其视为买入机会并投资该代币,并相信其价格可能会飙升。此外,近期几种山寨币经历的市场繁荣也吸引了投资者转向 BTT 等高风险加密资产。

然而,尽管价格飙升,但今年 12 月仍有理由不宜购买 BTT。


BitTorrent (BTT) 价格月图。图片来源:CoinStats

其一,BitTorrent 代币当前的 RSI 显示其处于超买区域。投资者的兴趣突然飙升,推高了其估值,为获利回吐提供了空​​间。如果发生这种情况,BTT 价格将会下跌。


鉴于未来几周图表上出现看跌走势的可能性,以及当前估值达到长期以来未见的高位,现在可能不是购买 BitTorrent 的 BTT 代币的最佳时机。

Beam Network (BEAM) 已成为一个有吸引力的选择

The BEAM crypto, the native token of the Beam Network, is also up on the charts. According to market data, it has surged around 50% in the past week alone.

As of the time of writing, the BEAM price has rallied over 200% since mid-November 2023. As a result, its market capitalization has jumped above $1.56 billion. This rapid rise in value has also resulted in BEAM climbing in the ranks on CoinMarketCap. It currently sits at no 61, above known tokens like Sandbox (SAND), Axie Infinity (ASX), and Decenterland (MANA).

Additionally, BEAM has charted a new all-time high of $0.02728 as of Dec. 14, 2023.

2023年12月您不应该购买的3种山寨币 Beam Network (BEAM) price chart. Source: CoinMarketCap

However, despite these tempting gains, there are several factors that investors should consider before investing in BEAM tokens.

1.Market Volatility and Possible Price Corrections

The recent parabolic increase in the BEAM price could be seen by investors as a sign of high market volatility. As the markets have often demonstrated, similar rapid surges usually lead to equally swift corrections.

Those that FOMO buys the token, influenced by its recent performance, may be left bearing the losses. While it may still be a safe bet in the long run, short-term investors should avoid investing in it this December.

2.BEAM token has a correlation problem:

BEAM token price is dangerously correlated with a list of other cryptocurrencies. Since its inception, it has closely responded to movements in the price of Maker (MKR), IOTA (IOTA), and Bitcoin (BTC), among others. Such a close correlation suggests that BEAM’s price movements can be influenced by general market trends. This makes it unpredictable and a risky bet.

The fact that the BEAM token price could also face a scenario of profit booking is also a dangerous factor. The recent surge, one that investors have longed for, may not last. If enough investors dump their bags, new investors will be left with the consequences.

Avalanche (AVAX) rally be be reversed

Avalanche’s AVAX token is also among the altcoins that have outperformed investor expectations. The Total Value Locked (TVL) has also increased on the blockchain network. Moreover, Avalanche has partnered with major institutional names like JP Morgan and Citi for real-world asset tokenization using its technology.

2023年12月您不应该购买的3种山寨币 Avalanche (AVAX) price chart showing its rally in the past 30 days. Source: TradingView

However, while its significant market activity may make you want to fill your bags with it, exercising caution could be a wise move.

1.Following the AVAX price surge comes the resistance:

The AVAX price has experienced a notable surge over the past month. Since October alone, it has increased around 350%.

However, charts indicate that it has recently started encountering resistance. While the price may still surge slightly before the end of the year, one should not downplay the danger that AVAX price t may face a pullback.

这是因为代币价格快速上涨之后往往会出现回调。这一因素使得 AVAX 存在风险,这就是为什么今年 12 月不应投资它。


高 RSI 表明超买状况

与被视为超卖的 BTT 代币不同,AVAX 的相对强弱指数 (RSI) 显示出不同的情况。它已经向上移动,到达89的超买区域。这表明它可能已经超买了。

为什么这是一个恐惧因素?高 RSI 通常表明加密代币可能被高估。因此,这是 AVAX 价格可能在未来几周内出现调整的另一个原因。

人们不能忽视这样一个事实:AVAX 代币价格与比特币 (BTC) 等主要加密货币密切相关。

现货比特币 ETF 可能被拒绝可能会对比特币和更广泛的加密货币市场的价格产生影响。 AVAX 可能是首当其冲的价格波动的代币之一。尽管 Avalanche 已显示出巨大的增长和网络支持,但当前的市场状况可能会使现阶段支持它成为一个冒险的赌注。

因此,尽管围绕 BitTorrent (BTT)、Avalanche (AVAX) 和 Beam Network (BEAM) 的市场情绪积极,但投资者不应在今年 12 月购买它们。

2023 年 12 月你不应该购买的 3 种山寨币一文首先出现在 CoinChapter 上。








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